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  • APPROX. RUN TIME: 75 minutes
  • PARKING: Free parking on-campus.
  • DRESS CODE: Come As You Are
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Celebración Latina, 2025

March 1, 2025 • Download →

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What is an Informance?

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“Informance” is a hybrid word that combines “information” and “performance” into one song-filled, instructive 40-minute program. Each year Opera Las Vegas takes “Informances” to as many Clark County Schools as can be accommodated in a two week period to explain and expose the art form of opera to students, many of whom have never experienced live, acoustic singing before.

This year, between 16-30 April, soprano Nichole Jarleson, tenor Da’veon Bolden and pianist/MC Jim Sohre (OLV General Director) visited a total of 2700 students at: Arturo Cambeiro ES, Doris French ES, Edith Gareheim ES, Bonanza HS, Thiriot ES, Eva Wolfe ES, Triggs ES, Garrett JR HS, Beverly Mathis ES, Hyde Park MS, Thurman White Academy, and Jo Mackey Academy.

The portable touring program features a backdrop, simple props and a wealth of imagination. Shows were given in classrooms, choir rooms, lunch rooms, theatres and gyms. The selections chosen were mostly in English and spanned the world of classical opera, operetta, and even musical comedy.

Ad the MC explained an accessible history of opera, Ms. Jarleson and Mr. Bolden illustrated with musical selections: Charming Women (Questo e quella, Rigoletto),
Sweet Name (Caro Nome, Rigoletto), Cat Duet (Rossini), Quando m’en vo (La Boheme), Lonely House (Street Scene), My Dear Marquis (Die Fledermaus), On the Street Where You Live (My Fair Lady), and The Lovely Land (Marie and Tonio duet, The Daughter of the Regiment).

After the performers left the audience with a breathless Addio (Farewell, Rigoletto), the three held a popular Q&A session that prompted many astute and insightful questions. The favorite this tour was when one excited young man asked: “How do you do the yelling??!?”

The annual OLV “Informance” tour, part of the important Opera With Class initiative will take place again in March 2019.

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