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Viva Verdi!?

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  • APPROX. RUN TIME: 2 hours
  • PARKING: $6 in nearby garage and lots.
  • DRESS CODE: Casual, Come-As-You-Are
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Opera Las Vegas Presents “Viva Verdi!”

March 21, 2025 • Download →

26 seasons

(702) 263-6604
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Demonstrate your commitment to the arts, increase your recognition in the community, and gain exclusive access to the OLV’s benefits for company engagement and employee-client rewards.
  • Bravo Circle

    Join our 1st tier circle for cherished Friends of OLV.

    View Benefits →
  • The Operazzi

    Join our popular Young Career Club for 21-45 year-olds.

    View Benefits →
  • Encore Club

    Join our premium tier Encore Club for exclusive invitations and Lounge access.

    View Benefits →
  • Opera Angels

    Join the beloved ranks of our priceless volunteer supporters.

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Sponsorship Packages

Sponsorship of OLV’s programs and productions represent a meaningful and strategic investment that not only support your company’s brand and business, but also ensures the success and sustainability of the Silver State’s foremost professional opera company.

By connecting with Opera Las Vegas, sponsors demonstrate their commitment to the arts and entertainment industry, increase their recognition in the community, and gain exclusive access to the OLV’s benefits for company engagement and employee-client rewards.

Businesses of all sizes can share their message with audience members throughout the Las Vegas Valley, as far away as Mesquite and Boulder City. Sponsors are able to reach each audience member – while making a difference in the quality of vibrant opera theatre both onstage – as well as off stage by making opera accessible through free and low-cost performances in community and school venues.

Your investment in a vibrant nonprofit like Opera Las Vegas also provides additional local economic impact by providing jobs to singers, technical artists and professional staff, as well as purchasing a wide array of goods and services from other Nevada companies.

Benefits Of Sponsorship

  • Company or individual logo and acknowledgment in the Mainstage Program.
  • Company or individual logo and acknowledgment on operalasvegas.com website.
  • Announcement of sponsorship in releases to entertainment and business media.
  • Invitation to special end-of-the-season reception celebration.
  • Invitation to special members-only events.
  • Logo and acknowledgment in all Opera on Wheels Programs.
  • Opportunities for your employees to attend dress rehearsals and all free events.
  • Discounts for company employees to attend paid Opera on Wheels events.
  • Photo and quote by sponsor in “Meet Our Donors and Sponsors” on OLV’s website.
  • Free admissions (4) to “Holiday on Broadway”performance in December.

Large Sponsorship Benefits

Sponsorships over $5,000 additionally receive the following benefits:

  • Annual Sponsorship Dinner with the Director (with surprise entertainment).
  • Complimentary tickets to Mainstage performances for 6 to 10 employees/guests.
  • Free concession tickets for 6 to 10 employees/guests to all Mainstage performances.
  • Special Meet-and-Greet with guest stars and celebrities performing with OLV.
  • Special lectures, book-signings and “informances” by guest artists.
  • Complimentary hardback copy of In Character: art photos of today’s stars in costume.
  • Outreach performances in your home or company (to be negotiated re scope/date).
  • Other benefits at the pleasure of our sponsors.

Opera Las Vegas brings the gift of dynamic live performances throughout the Valley - whether through its Opera On Wheels and Opera With Class programs - or by presenting critically-acclaimed Mainstage productions of opera masterpieces.

Our free and affordable performances outreach performances in schools, churches, community facilities and outdoor stages being live opera to young and old.

Your association as a Star Sponsor associates you with one of Las Vegas’ premier cultural organizations, and comes with benefits that reward your company, your employees and the Las Vegas community.

Sponsorship Inquiry Form

Please fill out the following form to inquire about your sponsorship goals.

Carmen poses as a male dancer jumps high behind her.
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