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Viva Verdi!?

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Opera Las Vegas Presents “Viva Verdi!”

March 21, 2025 • Download →

26 seasons

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Our Supporters

Recognizing Our Amazing Supporters

We are eternally grateful for our generous supporters, who are the heart and soul of our mission. From the smallest act of kindness to the largest gestures of philanthropy, each donation is a cornerstone of our collective efforts to make world-class opera accessible to the people of Las Vegas. We sincerely thank our donors, whose support fuels our work every day. Your generosity is more than a gift; it's our sustenance. Thank you for your support and we hope to see you at the Opera!

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Honored Partners

Chris and Anita Murray

Opera Las Vegas would like to especially thank our long-time Sustaining Trustees, patrons, opera lovers, and friends Chris and Anita Murray, who continue to secure the future of the company through their generous support, exceeding $300,000.

“The scale of this philanthropy is formidable for its magnitude alone and is all the more noteworthy coming from two people who have become close personal friends over their many years of support”, remarked General Director Jim Sohre. “This gift will greatly help sustain OLV’s unique position as Nevada’s professional company member in OPERA America. We are deeply grateful.”
Chris and Anita bring to Opera Las Vegas a keen sense of fiduciary responsibility. Drawing on their successful business practices and considerable experience at other non-profit organizations, the Murray's have worked closely with the board of directors assisting with the company’s planning and management of its financial affairs.

To honor their services as trustees over many years, Chris and Anita were presented with the National Opera Trustee Recognition Award by OPERA America in New York City on October 21, 2022.

With Special Thanks To These Visionaries

Laura Altman
Carin Bachant
Dana Barooshian
Jennifer Bellor
Joan Berry
Linda Berry
Jan Jones Blackhurst
Gerald Brees
Stephanie Buntin
Angelo and Nancy Cassaro
Collaboration Center Foundation
Jeri Crawford
Joan Croke
Dickinson Wright PLLC
Joan Dimmitt
Chapman Dodge
Dina Emerson
Tracy Friedman
Roger Gallizzi
Art Garnett
Stacy Haitsuka
Nicole Harris-Taylor
Patrick and Connie Hayes
Ofek Hayon
Helms Helps Foundation
Paul and Dorothy Henry
Hill Firm PLLC
Joshua Horsch
Terry Huber
Jechart Yoo Foundation
Richard Keida
Margaret Kessler
Robert and Shirley Kramer
Richard Kravchak
John Krieger
Alvida Lane and Malcolm Singer
Jeannie Neill Lanny
John Lincoln
Alan and Kimberly Livengood
Sean McBurney
Matthew and Juliana McRae
Judith Menzel
Philip and Helmi Merkley
Betty Miller
Gwen Mullins
Chris and Anita Murray
National Endowment for the Arts
Nevada Arts Council
Thomas Owens
Quincy Quilang
Christine Reynoso
Gary and Rosemary Richardson
Tommy and Donna Rocker
Bill Schroder and Elizabeth Jacks
Patti Shaw
Philip Shaw
Miriam Shearing
Shearing Foundation
Ivan Sher
Jim Sohre
Joan Soriano
Penny Taylor
Diane and Jeremy Thomas
Bruce Turner
Linda Tyson
Dwayne Ulloa
Jeffrey and Marty Virchow
Harold and Betsy Weller
Wells Fargo
Don and Anne Whitaker
James Willey
Bruce and Barbara Lee Woollen
Art and CJ Woolston
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