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Viva Verdi!?

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  • APPROX. RUN TIME: 2 hours
  • PARKING: $6 in nearby garage and lots.
  • DRESS CODE: Casual, Come-As-You-Are
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Opera Las Vegas Presents “Viva Verdi!”

March 21, 2025 • Download →

26 seasons

(702) 263-6604
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Demonstrate your commitment to the arts, increase your recognition in the community, and gain exclusive access to the OLV’s benefits for company engagement and employee-client rewards.

Legacy Circle & Planned Gifts

There are many ways to plan your gift to Opera Las Vegas – from gifts of real estate and art to insurance benefits and tribute-bequeaths. Any planned gift not only ensures a successful and sustainable future for the company, but also provides you or your estate with significant tax benefits and other financial planning needs.

By notifying Opera Las Vegas of your planned gift, you qualify for the Legacy Circle, a recognition club reserved for donors who have included the company in their estate plans. Legacy Circle members enjoy special benefits and acknowledgments.

If you have included Opera Las Vegas in your estate plans, information about your gift is critical to the organization’s long-term strategic planning. Any information you provide will be maintained in OLV’s confidential records.

To notify us of your intended contribution, please fill out the web form below.

Alternatively, you can download and return the form, or contact General Director Jim Sohre at 702/263-6604 or Director@operalasvegas.com.

Notice of planned gift

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