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Viva Verdi!?

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  • PARKING: $6 in nearby garage and lots.
  • DRESS CODE: Casual, Come-As-You-Are
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Opera Las Vegas Presents “Viva Verdi!”

March 21, 2025 • Download →

26 seasons

(702) 263-6604
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Commitments to Diversity, Equity, and Representation

Opera Las Vegas condemns racism in any form, across our city, our state, our country, and our world. The company stands unequivocally with those that demand social justice and equality for African-Americans and all people of color. Opera Las Vegas emphatically supports Blacks, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), and is committed to inclusion and diversity. At this troubling time in our history, we believe that all lives can’t matter until Black Lives Matter.

We are determined to continue serving the communities we reach today, as well as striving to develop bonds with those demographics we can, must, and will serve tomorrow. Performing Arts organizations have a distinctive power and responsibility to provide a space for inspiration, discussion, and a meaningful interaction of ideas. We pledge to make the time to listen and discover how OLV can be a stronger, manifold, and universally welcoming organization.

We rededicate our efforts to creating a world onstage, backstage, and in the audience that celebrates and supports all people. We pledge to continue to contract a diverse roster of performing artists, creative personnel, and staff positions based upon the highest qualifications, as we strive to have Opera Las Vegas productions, programs, and services reflect the multi-cultural community we serve.

In all areas of operation, Opera Las Vegas promotes and demands a working climate of dignity, mutual respect, and inclusion where there is fair treatment for all participants and practitioners without regard to race, color, sex (to include gender identity), religion, national origin, or sexual orientation.

Opera Las Vegas will interact with the Black Opera Alliance to help identify resources, especially pro bono services, to enhance diversity training and awareness, to help widely disseminate audition information, and to communicate creative opportunities.

Already planned are the company’s fifth annual tribute concert, Opera Legends in Black; MAC make-up training for all ethnicities; reaching out to UNLV Boyd School of Law to partner on inclusion seminars; hosting an online panel of ethnically varied singers to discuss their careers; and promoting board awareness through a free or low cost webinar(s).

This Commitment to Equality will be prominently posted on the website, and shared on Social Media. If you have any thoughts, observations, questions, or suggestions about how Opera Las Vegas can better serve our community, please email the General Director, Jim Sohre at [email protected]

Jim Signature

Land Acknowledgement Statement

Opera Las Vegas recognizes the singular and enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous people and their traditional territories. We acknowledge that we are on the historic homeland of the Southern Paiute tribe. Let this serve as a reminder of our ongoing efforts to recognize, honor, reconcile, and partner with the Paiute people whose lands and resources we continue to benefit from today.

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